Why you haven’t been hearing much from me, and why you likely won’t for a while, and some testing

This may very well be the busiest semester of my entire time in higher education. Among the things I hope to accomplish (many of which I haven’t begun yet) are:

  • two conferences
  • another academic paper
  • dissertation – writing
  • dissertation – defense
  • job applications – applying
  • job applications – phone interviews
  • job applications – in-person interviews
  • job applications – (hopefully) choosing amongst multiple offers
  • cleaning, packing up, moving (partially) out to new job location (assuming I get a job)
  • finding and securing housing at new job location (assuming I get a job)

That much said, I want to apologize for the fact that my comment-spam prevention thing has inadvertently prevented a legitimate commenter from leaving a comment. On this post, someone wanted to leave a comment, but that didn’t work out. So they trackbacked and you can read it on their blog. Vaguely reminds me of a post I wrote a while ago, but it was done to different ends.

I’m also creating this post as a means to help test out the new comment submission mechanism, which hopefully doesn’t have the same problem anymore. Please leave a comment and see if it works. Thanks!