Talk about leveraging

So, I’m on the job market, to look for positions as a computer science professor starting Fall 2005. I hope to have my degree finished by May 2005. If you know of jobs for me, let me know.

There is only one position that I can think of that I believe I can leverage my blog and my blogging related work to acquire. For that one, I may be hitting some of you up for letters of recommendation, or requests to proofread cover letters or whatnot – or maybe even apartment hunting if you live in that area.

There are, however, a number that request a plan for how I could develop undergraduate research opportunities. Can we say, make them write WordPress and MovableType plugins? Hmm… the possibilities churn like wildfire in my mind.

And then, perhaps I’ll be able to answer the question, not of why write papers (for prestige) but of why blog about my research (because the use of the plugins will be the experiment). What do you all think?