My new comment system is in place

Hi folks!

My new comment system is in place. There will be certain oddities about it, and bugs to work out, I’m sure. But I’d be delighted if you’d try it out. I’m actually quite proud of it, and it didn’t take me nearly as much time as I was afraid it was going to.

So yeah, my blog is back in action now. Now, I suppose I could revive the old template, but that does have its issues too. I’ll likely continue to work on the new template until it works better. This new system will also enable me to more easily do some of the things that I’ve always wanted to do – like take the category preferences from Your Feed of My Blog and allow you to apply them to the whole site and not just the feed, and so on.

However, writing will be scarce for a while, I’m sorry. Two papers, the dissertation, the dissertation defense, and the job search will likely occupy me the next several months. I’m also rather behind on my blog reading too. Sorry about that.

Wishing you all well and missing being part of the blogosphere – Andrew